各位老师、学生: 根据当前新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情情况,考虑到一些国家、地区已实施的入境管制措施,为保障我校师生身体健康和生命安全,避免可能造成的不必要的损失,学校根据上级有关文件精神,对近期有出国境计划的师生,做如下通知。 1. 合理安排出国(境)计划 原则上所有访问团组,包括前期审批通过的团组,均建议在与邀请方充分沟通说明的基础上推迟或取消。 如决定取消出访,请在学校PIM系统、“国际交流合作”、“出国总结与报销”流程中进行“取消出访”操作。 若经充分研判确有出访必要,仍然坚持执行出国境计划的团组,需出访前向所在院系和国际部报备,出访人员要加强个人防护和行前准备。已审批完成的团组,请团长签署《出国(境)承诺书》,并由所在单位党组织书记审批,同时将审批结果报送国际部(shuvisa@oa.shu.edu.cn);若尚在审批中的,请将承诺书直接上传出境申报系统。 2. 做好出行防控措施 拟出访师生务必提前了解所到访国或地区当前对人员入境和检疫的相关政策,避免入境滞留或遣返,在途在外要充分做好个人防护。请密切关注官方发布的疫情信息和国家出入境管理规定可能的临时调整,应提前到达出境口岸,留出足够时间接受相关部门检查。出国出境必须购买医疗保险。出国出境前若出现发热伴有咳嗽、呼吸困难等呼吸道感染病状,一律停止出国境任务执行;若在境外发生以上症状,应第一时间在当地具备条件的医疗机构就医,属于疑似或确诊病例的,应第一时间向所在单位报告。 3. 加强信息掌握与沟通 如有出(国)境事务咨询,请加入上海大学“因公出国境交流”微信群,我们将在群里为师生解答。同时,“上大国际”公众号也将推送相关防控信息,敬请关注。
因公出国境交流群 “上大国际”公众号 感谢对因公出国(境)工作的支持,让我们携手同心,共克时艰,期待凛冬散尽,春晖来临。
国际部 2020年1月31日 Dear teachers and students, According to the current epidemic situation of new-type coronavirus infection, some countries and regions have already implemented the immigration control measures. Considering the current situation, for the sake of our teachers and students' health and avoid possible unnecessary losses, Shanghai University has made the following suggestions to notify our teachers and students who plan to go abroad recently. 1. Make reasonable arrangements for overseas (border) visit All visiting groups, including approved groups, are recommended to postpone or cancel the visit after full communication with the inviter. If you decide to cancel the visit, please go to the university's PIM system,find "International Exchange and Cooperation." Then go to "Summary of Overseas Travel and Reimbursement" to perform the "Cancel Visit" operation. If it is essential to visit after comprehensive research and judgment, the group still wants to carry on the visit plan should report to the department and International Office before the trip. The visiting members should strengthen personal protection and preparation. For the approved visiting groups, the leader of the group ought to sign the "Letter of Commitment, "which will be approved by the department or college's party secretary, and send the approval results to the International Office via "shuvisa@oa.shu.edu.cn." If it is still under review, please upload the commitment letter directly to the PIM system. 2. Take control measures and effective preventions for the trip Teachers and students who plan to visit must know in advance the relevant policies and regulations regarding entry and quarantine of the countries or regions to which they are visiting to avoid entry detention or repatriation. Besides, making adequate personal protection while traveling. Please pay close attention to the official information on the epidemic situation of 2019-nCoV and temporary adjustments of National Exit and Entry regulations. It will help if group members arrive at the exit port in advance to allow enough time for inspection. Members must purchase medical insurance when going abroad. Before going abroad, if fever, cough, dyspnea, and other respiratory infections symptoms occur, stop performing the visit immediately. If the above symptoms arise abroad, members should seek medical treatment at local medical institutions as soon as possible. If members are suspected or confirmed as 2019-nCoV, they should report to Shanghai University as quickly as possible. 3. Strengthen information grasp and communication If you have any questions about going abroad on business, please join the WeChat group of "因公出国境交流" of Shanghai University, we will answer questions for teachers and students in the group. At the same time, the "上大国际" WeChat account will also forward related prevention and control information, so please stay tuned.
WeChat group WeChat account Thank you so much for your support. Let us continue working together to overcome the difficulties and look forward to upcoming success.
Attachment:Letter of Commitment International Office, SHU Jan 31st2020